September 19, 2012 I spoke with Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian
Housing Sandra Henriquez on the phone for about ten minutes.
I told Ms. Henriquez how the former executive director of the Linn Benton Housing Authority, James Hackett, and the current executive director, Donna Holt lied during two federal Fair Housing investigations through the Seattle Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity, and how their lies rendered me homeless. I also told her how James Hackett placed and HUD funded nine felons in my housing around 17 children, including a man with a life time registration as a sexual predator because he had sodomized children. These placements and their federal funding were in violation of the Protection of Children Statutes*. I told Ms. Henriquez that James Hackett terminated my HUD voucher that I really needed in order to be able to afford rent because of my physical disability in retaliation for my reporting his crimes against children and his lies under oath to federal investigators,
I told Ms. Henriquez how the former executive director of the Linn Benton Housing Authority, James Hackett, and the current executive director, Donna Holt lied during two federal Fair Housing investigations through the Seattle Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity, and how their lies rendered me homeless. I also told her how James Hackett placed and HUD funded nine felons in my housing around 17 children, including a man with a life time registration as a sexual predator because he had sodomized children. These placements and their federal funding were in violation of the Protection of Children Statutes*. I told Ms. Henriquez that James Hackett terminated my HUD voucher that I really needed in order to be able to afford rent because of my physical disability in retaliation for my reporting his crimes against children and his lies under oath to federal investigators,
Henriquez told me that she would reinstate my HUD voucher and that it would
take more than a day, most likely a few.
The next week, when I heard nothing back from her office, I called again
and was told by her assistant Daniella Mungo that it would take up to 30 days
to restore my voucher so that I could again have a home. That would make the day for which I had waited so long about October 19th. October 19th came and went with no word from Sandra Henriquez or from Daniella
About two weeks ago I sent a recording to Ms. Henriquez and
to Secretary for HUD Shaun Donovan in which Dennis Raschka, who works directly
under the HUD Inspector General Montoya, told me that no investigation had ever
been done of my many, many complaints to HUD and HUD’s OIG of the violations of the Protection of Children Statutes. On the very same day, the OIG agents who worked under Dennis Raschka in
Seattle told the Chief of Police of Corvallis Gary Boldizsar that an
investigation had been done and nothing had been found and Chief Boldizsar emailed me with that
information. That is why I recorded Mr. Raschka when I called him. Recording a telephone conversation is completely legal in
both the District of Columbia and in Oregon as long as one of the people in the conversation is aware of the recording. Mr. Raschka had promised me a
thorough investigation six months before and I had sent him proof of Mr.
Hackett’s and Ms. Holt’s crimes that endangered children and undermined my Fair
Housing claims.
Dennis. Raschka not only works for the OIG, he also works for Kelly Anderson and Associates helping the private sector to access government benefits which is a conflict of interest.
On Wednesday, November 22nd I called Sandra Henriquez' office to find out why I have heard nothing back as Ms. Henriquez had promised and the answering secretary told me "can you please hold as I have another call." and then never returned. This was the forth call in the past week in which she told me those same words.
Dennis. Raschka not only works for the OIG, he also works for Kelly Anderson and Associates helping the private sector to access government benefits which is a conflict of interest.
On Wednesday, November 22nd I called Sandra Henriquez' office to find out why I have heard nothing back as Ms. Henriquez had promised and the answering secretary told me "can you please hold as I have another call." and then never returned. This was the forth call in the past week in which she told me those same words.
* Protection of Children: U.S. Code 42, Chapter 135, Subchapter V, Sections 13661, 13662 and 12663 which make it illegal to federally fund housing for registered sex offenders and certain other dangerous felons.
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