Sunday, October 29, 2023
My Quest for Justice in America and what I found instead: Judge Michael R. Hogan's Intentional Obstruction of Justice.
Judge Michael R. Hogan demonstrated prejudice against my concerns throughout the history of my case in the United States District Court. This became clear to me during the pretrial conference on August 14, 2009 and in his Orders #243 and #260.
I stood before him during the pretrial conference expecting decorum and respect for our laws and I was shocked at his abuse of his power. My case was two years old. This was the first time that I had a hearing in the presence of Judge Hogan. My heart and mind were wide open and I was hopeful that justice would be served when I entered the Court. I had worked very hard to provide the court with the proof of all of my claims in the format required.
I actually hurt for this man by the time I left the Court because he had somehow lost sight of the great honor and responsibility that the position of Federal Judge carries.
It was clear that Judge Hogan had not read the documents I had submitted that proved that children in Corvallis, Oregon were being harmed by James Hackett's and the Linn Benton Housing Authority's illegal placements of sexual predators, drug dealers and other dangerous felons in their housing, that my claims tolled the Statute of Limitations because of Administrative claims through the United States' Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity and that the laws that James Hackett intentionally violated were one of my protected activities for a Retaliation Claim through the Court and had been provided to Judge Hogan in a timely manner more that one year before the pretrial conference.
Because Judge Hogan had not read my submissions, he did not know of the federal statutes enacted by Congress to protect children in HUD funded neighborhoods. These laws were created to make it a violation of federal law to fund housing for those with a life time registration as a sex offender and also those who are actively dealing methamphetamine or creating a hostile living environment through their drug and alcohol use or violent criminal activity. Judge Hogan should have known that these laws exist without my guidance. I had provided the laws to him in their entirety on May 7, 2008 in Document 87 on pages 7 and 8 and in at least six other submissions to the court prior to the pretrial conference. This is public information and is on the Federal Government's PACER website for the federal courts.
Judge Hogan told a falsehood in his order #260 where he wrote that the laws do not exist and that I had not provided them to the court. For a federal judge to lie even once in a case in federal court should be grounds for his removal. There is no integrity in the court if our federal judges may lie.
Long before I filed my case for Retaliation against James Hackett and the Linn Benton Housing Authority, Congressman Peter DeFazio's office suggested I file a case through the office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity in Seattle, Washington for the same claims, so I did. These claims were still open administratively on August 20, 2007 when I filed my case in District Court and this tolls the Statute of Limitations for these claims. I turned in a copy of my administrative claim through Fair Housing with my initial papers to the United States District Court on August 20, 2007 so Judge Hogan was provided with proof that the Statute of Limitations was tolled by the administrative claim.
When James Hackett and the Linn Benton Housing Authority tried to have Judge Hogan throw out my Retaliation claim through the process of summary judgment, the judge refused in his Order #95 because he said he was aware of my Administrative claim that tolled my Retaliation claim in the District Court.
One year later during the pretrial conference on August 14, 2009 Judge Hogan stated that he had not seen my administrative claim for retaliation. I had it in hand and tried to give it to him and he turned his head sharply away from me and refused to accept it and quickly changed the subject.
He also looked the attorney for the Linn Benton Housing Authority in the eyes and said that if the defendants could get my Retaliation claim thrown out I would only have one claim left. His intention, his prejudice, and his bias were crystal clear.
Two weeks before the pretrial conference I subpoenaed all of the witnesses for the trial that was scheduled for July 29, 2009 for Retaliation. This was quite a process as many of the witnesses lived far away. I had to pay three different sheriff's departments in other counties to serve the subpoenas and also pay two private investigators and travel extensively to make sure that everyone was informed of their need to appear on the 29th and several days following. This took me hours of work and thousands of dollars.
Another way that I prepared for the trial was to go to Judge Hogan's courtroom to witness several other proceedings just to get a sense of what it meant to be in federal court. One of the trials was with the plaintiff, Kristi Diamond and her attorney, Dana Sullivan. During the lunch hour for that trial Judge Hogan sentenced four different individuals in unrelated cases and I watched and listened.
One of these men was Latino. He had been stopped in a routine traffic stop by the police and they asked him for his papers to be in America. He lied out of fear of deportation. He did not have any kind of a serious criminal history and had lived in this area for many years. All of his family lived in this area. His lawyer spoke of him as a good family man.
Judge Hogan had the discretion to sentence him to deportation and from zero years to five years in federal prison for lying. He sentenced him for about half of the maximum sentence and as they led the man from the courtroom with his head drooping in anguish Judge Hogan turned to his staff laughing loudly and said clearly:
"I am going to make sure that he goes to prison in Texas."
Charlene Pew, who works in the federal court, helped me determine that this man's name was Maricio Amaral-Ramos.
I am sickened to think of all of the Latinos that he has sentenced from a view point of prejudice.
My submissions to the court proved to Judge Hogan that my child and many other children suffered deeply because of the corruption of the Linn Benton Housing Authority. I provided him with proof that my claims had merit and tolled the statute of limitations. I proved to him that Mr. Hackett was intentionally HUD funding sex offenders and other violent felons. I proved that I complained to HUD and many other offices which was my protected activity.
Judge Hogan's financial disclosures show that he receives dividends from the housing construction company that gives millions of dollars to the think tanks that propose HUD's rules. He owns many rentals.
Judge Michael R. Hogan did not treat my claims respectfully in the court. Over time it became apparent that he destroyed my case methodically and intentionally.
My Quest for Justice in America and what I found instead: Criminals illegally HUD funded at Pickford/Leonard.
In 1999 I learned that the Pickford/Leonard housing complex in Corvallis, Oregon had a new property management company -- the Linn Benton Housing Authority. When the mothers at Pickford/Leonard saw that James Hackett and Jim Moorefield were violating federal laws enacted to protect our children we also learned that James Hackett ran that housing authority without any valid oversight either locally or in Washington D.C.
James Hackett (executive director of the Linn Benton Housing Authority) and Jim Moorefield (executive director of Willamette Neighborhood Housing Services - which was formerly Corvallis Neighborhood Housing Services) vied for all of the IRS tax credits that came to Benton County through the State's Housing Office in Salem. In order to win these very lucrative enticements to invest in housing developments, these two individuals had to give the appearance that the housing they had created through these systems in the past were full and doing well. They were also required to abide by federal laws in the housing that they created with the American tax payers' money.
[Quick lesson on IRS tax credits: HUD provides dollar for dollar tax credits through the IRS for investors in Low Income Housing. Each state gets tax credits to distribute to those willing to invest in the creation of such housing. The Housing Office in Salem told me that the Linn Benton Housing Authority and Willamette Neighborhood Housing "trade off"in securing the tax credits allotted for Benton County. The private investors - who are a secret - are exempt the same amount in taxes as they invest and they get to own the housing developed with their private investment down the line. After a certain point they can change it to "for profit" housing and remodel it to their taste and rent it to anyone or sell it. This is going on all over Oregon and all over the United States. The conflict of interest when a housing authority invests in this way is extremely harmful to American Society. It is the reason we have so much crime in our neighborhoods.]
Six of the units at Pickford/Leonard were difficult to fill. They were old, hot in the summer, did not have washers or dryers, and were far from downtown Corvallis with poor public transportation - especially on weekends and evenings. They were often empty.
All of a sudden, after James Hackett became the property manager, all of the units at Pickford/Leonard were full.
Seventeen children lived in the other units, mostly with single moms.
We learned over time that James Hackett had filled the older units that no one would rent with felons and gave each of the units a HUD voucher. In this way there was a money flow from the federal government to the Linn Benton Housing Authority to the felon and back to the housing authority and into the new development, Camas Commons, that Jim Moorefield and James Hackett were creating.
Sometimes the working poor have a hard time paying the rent.
Not true of a felon with a voucher. This was guaranteed rent on the first of every month straight from the federal government.
Now there are some federal statutes that were enacted to protect children from dangerous individuals. I will list some of those statutes here:
Sec. 13661. screening of applicants for federally assisted housing
(a) Ineligibility because of illegal drug users and alcohol abusers
(1) In general
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a public housing agency or an owner of federally assisted housing, as determined by the Secretary, shall establish standards that prohibit admission to the program or admission to federally assisted housing for any household member
(A) who the public housing agency or owner determines is illegally using a controlled substance, or
(B) with respect to whom the public housing agency or owner determine that it has reasonable cause to believe that such household members illegal use (or pattern of abuse) of alcohol, may interfere with the health, safety, or right to peaceful enjoyment of the premises by other residents.
Sec. 13663 Ineligibility of dangerous sex offenders for admission to public housing
(a) In general
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, an owner of federally funded housing shall prohibit admission to such housing for any household that includes any individual who is subject to a lifetime registration requirement under a State sex offender registration program.
Protection of Children Laws were found in the U.S. Code via GPO Access
(wais, access, [Laws in affect as of January 7, 2003]
These extremely important federal statutes can be found in any law library. They can also be found online. Phyllis Wagoner told me exactly where to find them online after Congressman Peter DeFazio sent them to James Hackett and the Benton and Linn County Commissioners (Phyllis Wagoner is the Aid to Congressman DeFazio in his Eugene Office).
About two years ago I lifted these laws directly off of the online Federal Statutes and pasted them into a document that the United States District Court Judge Michael Hogan requested of me for my federal court case against James Hackett and the Linn Benton Housing Authority -- he had asked me to identify the laws violated by the Defendants. That was Document #87, pages 7 and 8 that was submitted to the U.S. Court for my case on May 7, 2008.
Judge Michael Hogan also had been provided with Congressman DeFazio's letter with these laws attached. This letter and the attached statutes were submitted with my first filing in the federal court on August 20, 2007. Judge Michael Hogan was also provided with a letter from Ms. Pitts who works in the legal office for HUD in Washington, D.C.. In Ms. Pitts' letter she told of these laws enacted to protect children.
Linn County Commissioner John Lindsey wrote two letters to the Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing Floyd May five years ago and attached Congressman DeFazio's letter with these statutes to his letter. This was also provided to Judge Hogan several times during the history of my federal court case. Commissioner Lindsey also wrote a Declaration for the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in which he stated:
3. " I have been following the above referenced case in federal court and also the claims through the office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity that tolled the Statute of Limitations for the claims in federal court."
4. "I am aware that James Hackett and the Linn Benton Housing Authority HUD funded a unit in which registered sex offender lived in close proximity to the Appellant's child and other children."
5. "I am aware that James Hackett and the Linn Benton Housing Authority HUD funded units at Pickford/Leonard in which other dangerous career criminals lived in close proximity to the Appellant's child and other children."
6. "I am aware of the federal statutes that were enacted to protect children from dangerous felons and registered sex offenders and make it illegal to HUD fund these individuals."
In Judge Michael R. Hogan's Order #260 which was submitted to the Court on February 4, 2010 he wrote:
"Rosenfeld cites no authority (and I find none), to mandate that a prospective tenant previously convicted of criminal conduct be excluded from tenancy on that basis alone. In other words, there is no statutory support for plaintiff's allegedly protected activity of complaining about LBHA renting to former felons."
Now I will tell you about the criminals that James Hackett and Jim Moorefield placed and HUD funded at Pickford/Leonard and then refused to remove when the mothers complained over and over and over again that our children were suffering and that all of us were living in fear.
The first pedophile moved into the upstairs of my home at 2601 SW Leonard Street in south Corvallis just before Christmas in 1999. I heard my neighbor's mother screaming my name as she ran down the stairs at six in the morning and I opened the door that gave me a view of the stairs to the two apartments above. Nancy was screaming and running down the stairs and a man was chasing her and photographing her over and over again at close range. She yelled for me to call the police and then she ran up the stairs and we each called 911. Officer Neil Holcomb came to the rescue. He met with us in the yard outside and told us that he had wondered where "they" had moved the man that now lived upstairs.
Later when Barbara who worked at the Corvallis Police Department counter, and is as sweet as can be, looked up this individual's record I was given a printed document eleven pages long with listings of over sixty arraignments. The Police Department had carefully blackened out twenty of them and when I asked why I was told that quite a few had to do with children.
Soon each of the families with children at Pickford/Leonard saw bright camera flashes at the cracks in the curtains at night when our children were undressing inside. If we parted the curtains quickly we saw our pedophile running from the window and heard him run up the stairs and slam the door to his apartment above. I witnessed as he photographed through other tenants' windows as well as my own.
One young lady who was fourteen started crying when she told me about how she was naked when she saw the flash of his camera at the crack in her curtains as she prepared for bed one night. I will never forget the look of fear and humiliation on her face.
He softly tapped at my daughter's bedroom window at two in the morning. After she told me about this I began waiting in her room and when I heard the tapping I quickly looked out the window and saw him run for the front of the house and then I heard him run up the stairs to his apartment and close the door. My daughter was ten-years-old.
We began finding our door open just a bit in the mornings and I walked my daughter to the door and we checked each night to make sure that it was secure. During the last hearing that we attended with Judge Robert S. Gardner in our effort to obtain a stalking protective order, one of the neighbors testified that our pedophile had lock smith tools with which he bragged he could open any door. This neighbor also explained how our pedophile did not pay his phone bill and asked if he could splice into the phone wires at the corner Qwest post and share phone service for his computer bank upstairs. Later he actually used his computers to access the Corvallis phone system. This testimony helped me a lot as I had crawled under the house many times in an effort to find out how our pedophile was tapping our phone. I had looked for an actual splice in the wires beneath the floor and all the while it was elsewhere. My neighbor took the cap off of the Qwest phone post on the corner and showed me where our pedophile went night after night to play with our phone service before he used his computers for the same purpose.
We heard a pick up on the line and we did not have an extension. Often we would hear him snarl and once he played a recording that sounded like our own children laughing. We could hear that recording coming from behind his door too. When I called Nancy upstairs I heard the phone ring in our pedophile's apartment. The same happened when she called me.
When we heard him at our windows and became frightened and called the police we heard him pick up the phone and then we would be disconnected for fifteen minutes. Once after he jumped in front of my daughter as she went out the door and he took a picture of her face from a few inches away, I called the police and Luther MacLean came to the house. Officer MacLean arrested him for illegally recording him and our pedophile spent a night in jail. Upon his return he began throwing heavy objects around in his apartment in anger. I found that I no longer had phone service at all over night. The next day the phone company researched and explained that someone had sent a surge of electricity through the wires and burned out just my circuit in the building used by the phone company that is next to the Benton County Court House in Corvallis.
Poor Tricia who lived with her little girl upstairs had her phone burned up on the inside.
Our pedophile stood right next to my window often at night and I could smell his cigarette and found piles of his cigarette butts on the ground next to the window in my organic garden. He often urinated on my vegetables and we could smell this throughout the garden and see the pattern of drizzle burned into the beet leaves. When I tried to work in the garden he would whisper to me from the window above or photograph continually.
Nancy's beautiful flowers were destroyed by his urine too.
None of the children were allowed outside anymore.
And then he started slashing things.
My neighbor reported that he had seen three large knives on the counter in the pedophile's apartment. My daughter's swimming pool was stabbed. Shauna's children's swimming pool was slashed. The oil plug was removed from Shauna's car in the night and her engine froze on her way to work. Sugar was put in the tank of my car destroying the engine.
Jim Gabbard's tires were slashed and the bolts were removed that held his axles in place and he almost crashed on Highway 34. Luckily he told me about this and I checked under my car and found that the engine bolts were removed and the oil filter loosened. Jim's timely notice saved that car.
When I began finding knife marks on my car, Joe Boyer and another FBI agent came to my house and told me that it is a classic sign when someone starts slashing your car that they want to be slashing you. They went upstairs and knocked on the pedophile's door and he would not answer. They wanted to talk to him about his use of our phones. By this time our door was often found open in the mornings and we were terrified and I no longer slept.
The Portland FBI told me that they did not want to investigate the doings of our resident pedophile because he was mentally ill and would only be sent to a mental institution for six months and it was "not worth the tax payers money to investigate him." Joe Boyer told me that too when he stood on my back porch. He said that his boss in Portland had told him that
I truly believe that if any tiny bit of the horror we experienced had happened in a rich neighborhood the FBI would have investigated and arrested this individual that caused so much terror for the seventeen children at Pickford/Leonard.
Sergeant Shelly Fialla with the Corvallis Police told me that she called our housing providers to ask them why they would not help us and she gave me a "heads up" that they implied that I was mentally ill.
After this some of the police would not come to the house when we called. When they did come some of them wrote reports that were not in keeping with the truth of that which we told them. I remember one time when this happened I went to the police department and complained to then Captain Gary Boldizsar and he told me that I could give a supplemental report to Sergeant Todd Bailey. I went into a little room with Sergeant Todd Bailey and he simply sat and looked at me as I reported what had happened. I finally said:
"Shouldn't you be writing this down?"
"No, I am not going to write it down."
"Why?" I asked.
"Because you are insane."
I told him that if I were insane it would still be important for him to protect my child from a pedophile, and that I was not insane.
The Chief of Police at that time was Pam Roskowski and when I told her about the way some of the police were not responding to our urgent need for help she told me to directly call Captain Boldizsar each time we needed help. I had met Gary Boldizsar early in this nightmare. Chief Roskowski had facilitated a meeting at the Benton County Health Department at my request when a little girl moved to Pickford/Leonard and recognized our pedophile from a photograph that Sheriff Swinyard gave me.
This child turned white and started trembling when she saw his image and said that he had chased her in a truck on her way to school the previous year on about April 1, 2000. She described the truck as blue with a silver zig-zag on the side. I remembered that truck was parked in front of our house on April 1, 2000 and I had asked Don Jones (he worked under James Hackett) if our pedophile was allowed to drive because I saw him get out of the truck. He told me that he was not allowed to drive.
I went to Lincoln School and learned that the little girl was so terrified at this man that hid behind objects and stalked her on her way to school and took her picture over and over again at close range that the school counselor walked the little girl home. Since she lived on Crystal Lake Drive at that time, the Benton County Sheriff's Department was called and they staked out the school looking for our pedophile who had parked the blue pickup in front of my house and was upstairs waiting for the next child he could frighten, or worse.
Corvallis Police Officer Luther MacLean and Washington D.C. FBI Agent Mike Rogers each did a profile on our resident pedophile and told me that he had a profile of "psychopathic serial killer."
Mike Rogers was aghast that Corvallis was allowing the children at Pickford/Leonard to be terrorized by this individual. Mike Rogers retired after 25 years with the FBI in Washington, D.C. and now works as the Director of the Alumni Center at the Citadel.
I called the head of Mental Health for the State of Oregon, Barry Kast (who used to be head of Mental Heath for Benton County), and he told me that he remembered our resident pedophile and that I should be careful as he was "extremely dangerous."
One night when I dialed 911 the dispatch lady that answered said that our pedophile used to live across the street from her and she had to move.
I reported every single part of this to James Hackett, Jim Moorefield, and others in the Linn Benton Housing Authority and Corvallis Neighborhood Housing Services. Each of the mothers wrote letters to James Hackett seeking help and gave copies to Detective Mark Posler.
I called Corvallis City Manager Jon Nelson and told him that I wanted to go before the city council. He told me that he would rather that I did not. Dawn Phillips and I went before Corvallis City Council as they subsidized that housing and we went to the Board of Corvallis Neighborhood Housing Services. I went to the Benton County Commissioners because they have oversight of the housing authority according to Oregon Revised Statutes 456 and because they are responsible for the placements of severely mentally ill individuals in Benton County.
The first time I called James Hackett and asked him to help he told me that the last time he saw our pedophile it was in court and he had chased a woman for a month photographing her continually. James Hackett knew that this man stalked people and he placed him in our home with seventeen children and single moms all around.
I learned in the Final Investigative Reports for the first claim that the United States Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity took out against Mr. Hackett and the Linn Benton Housing Authority that he would laugh in the housing authority and have managerial meetings with the topic of how to get rid of me when I called desperately seeking help for my child. I also learned that Paulette Postell who had worked at the Linn Benton Housing Authority for twenty years and Rick Stewart who had worked there for fourteen years each told James Hackett that he could not place the pedophile in my house. They had seen his criminal history and Mr. Stewart had talked to Officer Neil Holcomb of the police force and was fearful of what might happen to the children at Pickford/Leonard. James Hackett told them that he was going to place this dangerous individual around our children anyway "for money reasons." He soon got rid of these two excellent employees because they challenged his violations of housing authority policy and federal law that mandate that every HUD recipient have a background check and not cause other tenants to suffer a hostile living environment.
In September 2000, Judge Robert S. Gardner evicted our pedophile from our house with the issuance of a protective order. All of the children danced in the grass between the houses on the day that he left.
The pedophile began violating the protective order immediately and did so continually until I moved from that housing in 2004.
Several months after my protective order evicted the pedophile, James Hackett subpoenaed me to a "hearing"at the Linn Benton Housing Authority at which it was to be decided whether this individual would retain his HUD voucher. I brought my permanent protective order on which it was written that the pedophile was NEVER to be within one city block of my child or me. James Hackett forced me to sit across the table from the pedophile and allowed him to ask me questions. James Hackett would not let me ask anything or speak except for "yes" or "no" answers. James Hackett refused to accept a copy of the protective order as proof of stalking at Pickford/Leonard and our pedophile kept his voucher and moved into the Oceana Apartments in Corvallis. He lasted there about two weeks and he was evicted by the manager for looking in the windows at night and severing the phone service for the manager at the Qwest box attached to the outside of the apartments. He was then moved into the Julian Hotel in Corvallis where he assaulted the assistant manager and destroyed the apartment. He now lives in the upstairs of a house in Corvallis.
Our resident pedophile was the first of nine felons that James Hackett and Jim Moorefield placed around seventeen children at Pickford/Leonard.
The second felon that James Hackett HUD funded at Pickford/Leonard came out of the penitentiary the day he moved upstairs in my house. He has a long history of felonies that includes possession and manufacture of a controlled substance, burglary, theft, and forgery.
He boarded up the entrance to the apartment so the police could not enter and he entered through the upstairs window. I would hear him drop down onto my back porch often in the middle of the night when the police banged on his door.
One night, one of the other mothers who was named Kristi woke and went upstairs at about 2 am when she sensed something was wrong. She caught our resident meth dealer climbing through the window where her two little girls slept.
I could hear our resident meth dealer in the front hallway talking to his teenage son and explaining how he changed "hoopties" every two weeks so the police did not know what his car looked like. Hooptie is slang for old car. During that same conversation I heard him showing off his latest crystal methamphetamine.
Our resident methamphetamine dealer gave the teenagers in the neighborhood a white muslin bag of tools and an old bicycle and taught them how to break bike locks and sent them to Oregon State University's campus nightly to steal beautiful bikes from the unsuspecting students.
Our meth dealer paid his fledgling thieves with methamphetamine.
Treks and Cannondales and Bianchi bikes went up the stairs of my house and I could hear bike dissembling parties with music blaring to cover up the sound of wrenches ratcheting apart the stolen bikes. In the morning a fancy sports car pulled up in front of the house and our meth dealer traded a big box of bike parts for a clear container (like the ones that cottage cheese comes in) full of what looked like quartz crystals.
I remember calling the police one morning as the meth dealers/bike theives stood next to my window for fifteen minutes shooting the breeze with a box of bike parts and meth crystals in hand. I called three times and no one ever came.
I called the police department in the afternoon and asked who was on duty that morning during that fifteen minute time span. I was told that Officer Brett Roach had south Corvallis that morning. I asked why he had not responded to my call and I was told that possibly he was busy elsewhere.
[Brett Roach is the same police that shot mentally ill Richard Dean Townsend in the back and killed him in November 2005 and then held a loaded gun on my child several months later in front of me.
Brett Roach also told one of my friends that I am insane recently and I will submit an affidavit to the court from that individual.
I met Richard Dean Townsend's mother in Fred Meyer about a year-and-one-half ago. She told me of her son's death. She told me that she was heartbroken and asked me to help her so I reviewed the police reports and requested the Oregon State Autopsy Report. District Attorney John Haroldson blocked the release of the autopsy report I was told by the Chief Medical Examiner in Portland. She told me that he had no legal right to do this and that she would threaten to sue Benton County if he did not release the report to Richard Dean Townsend's mother.
When I got the reports I learned that Brett Roach decided to go out looking for Mr.Townsend that evening. The police were well aware that he could be a handful when drunk and that several officers would be needed to subdue him. They also knew that his mother had requested that she be called first if anything came up since he was mentally ill.
Four shots were fired into Richard Dean Townsend. The first one, the autopsy report verifies, was in his back and entered his heart, killing him.]
The Valiant Team (Benton County Sheriff's Drug Enforcement Unit at the time) called me and told me they were going to do a controlled buy from my resident meth dealer and that I should pretend that I did not know them if I happened to see them come to the house. They told me that each of the containers was worth about $1000. They also asked me to take down any license numbers on the cars belonging to the meth gang involved. Soon after that the sports car stopped in front of my house while I was working in the garden and a man walked up to me and said:
"If you take down any more license plate numbers you will have me to deal with."
The Valiant Team made a showing one afternoon. They were scrubbed clean with walking shorts and knee high socks and stocking caps and three day beards. They looked like Boy Scout leaders after three days on the yearly camping trip. They called ahead so that I would unlock the outer front door of the house.
One night I heard my meth dealer walking down the stairs and out the door and I peeked from the window and saw him with another notorious felon walking toward Chestnut Village which is a large complex full of students next to Pickford/Leonard. Each of the thieves was dressed all in black and carried a white muslin bag that jangled in the moonlight as they disappeared from view. Ten minutes passed and car alarms could be heard from Chestnut Village. The next day the word went out to all of the Pickford/Leonard residents that if anyone wanted an excellent car radio they were invited to the apartment above mine to choose one at a very good price.
Our resident meth dealer was extremely violent at times. I could hear him throw his girlfriend into the walls and I could hear his six-month-old scream with the kind of scream that wrenched my heart.
I was frightened and yet I went up the stairs and knocked and said:
"Hey, do you two need a babysitter?"
I looked at the baby and he begged me with his eyes to help him.
I met with the other mothers at Pickford/Leonard to see if they knew anything about what was going on with this little boy. One of the mothers told me that her mother babysat for the child and had turned the meth dealer in to Children's Services because she had found track marks from needles on his little arms where this child was being injected with methamphetamine.
Soon after that Children's Services removed the baby from the parents and the parents remained in their HUD funded unit upstairs.
Three of the mothers at Pickford/Leonard went to the police and begged for help.
Again, call after call was made to James Hackett and the Linn Benton Housing Authority and Jim Moorefield and Corvallis Neighborhood Housing Services. Half way into our meth dealer's residency upstairs we realized that he was not officially on the lease and that it was against policy for him to live there. We made Don Jones who worked with James Hackett aware of this and he told us soon afterward that James Hackett had remedied this by putting him on the lease.
Our meth dealer was evicted after the third time that he flooded my apartment by overflowing a washing machine upstairs. I came home and found my kitchen with two inches of water on the floor. All of the ingredients that I had laid out to bake cakes for Rogue Wave Software were soaked and the kitchen never smelled sweet again.
Our methamphetamine dealer lived upstairs for about nine months and dealt meth and stole bikes the entire time. Oregon State University's State Police Office knew his name and told me that they had been trying to catch him for a long time.
In 2008 the little boy that was the son of this felon was found dead in the Independence River along with his older brother. They had gone fishing and no one is sure what happened. He was eight-years-old. It was reported that he may have been autistic.
I will never forget his eyes when they locked with mine in the upstairs of my house when he was six-months-old.
Next there was a prostitute who used to hang out of the window upstairs naked -- and she was well endowed, Jim Gabbard who lived next door reported. She was calling out to her potential clients. Pirates of the Caribbean comes to mind.
I remember the sheriffs knocking on my door with felony warrants for her.
I also remember O.S.U. football players carrying a bottle of whiskey and asking me if I knew if this was the right house. They were pretty drunk by the time they got to Pickford/Leonard. They had walked. I remember that time our prostitute asked me from the window not to tell anyone because her girl friend that was also upstairs was just sixteen. The football players told me that their coach would not be happy if I reported their visit to anyone.
One day the heroin dealer that almost killed my son on O.S.U. campus visited our resident prostitute upstairs.
(This young man was the reason we were forced to move to Pickford/Leonard -- my son needed a surgery and Benton County would not prosecute this extremely troubled kid that smashed my son's head into the sidewalk over and over again until he was unconscious and then began kicking him in the face, neck and chest with the intent to kill him. This was his confession to me that I brought to first District Attorney Peter Sandrock and then to District Attorney Scott Heiser and neither did anything. I went to the Crime Victim's Insurance office in the State Government and met with Attorney General Hardy Myers and finally my son was granted 100% of that insurance which is only possible if you are 100% innocent)
This guy was sitting in a car in the parking lot with our prostitute and I approached and asked this guy to please never come to my house again. I told him that my daughter and I did not want to see him again after what he had done to my son.
Several days later I was watering the garden at six in the morning and he came out of my house so I watered him too. He started to lunge for me and then changed his mind and left.
I believe that he was the shooter in a South Corvallis drive by shooting in which his brother was arrested and sent to jail for five years for driving the car. That was after he almost killed my son and nothing was done.
One day my friend, Brenda, called me and told me that the kid that almost killed my son was being held in Salem for breaking into Les and Bob's Sporting Goods and stealing an arsenal of guns and taking them to Corvallis High for sale. I called Assistant Principal Steve Losey and asked him what happened. He told me that he knew of the theft and suspected this kid and saw a bulge under his clothes and tackled him to the floor in the hallway. He found a gun on him and more in his locker. Steve Losey told me that the kid had been shooting the guns outside to demonstrate them for other students who were potential buyers. Again, nothing was done.
Once when Officer Teeter came to my house to help with complaints about our felons I wondered why he was limping and he told me that my son's assailant had shop lifted at Fred Meyer and he was arresting him in the parking lot and this kid kicked him in the knee and shattered his knee. The kid did not turn up for a hearing and fled to Portland. Nothing was done.
It took us about two years before we could have a surgery for my son at O.H.S.U because nothing was done to help us through the Benton County D.A.'s Office ----- absolutely nothing.
The O.H.S.U. neurosurgeons said that it was as if my son had dove into a pool without any water in causing severe neck injuries. His nose was broken in five places and had to be completely removed from his face internally and repositioned two years after the assault because it was covered up by Benton County and Corvallis. He lost half of his vision in one of his eyes.
I do believe that something is wrong here.
Anyway, that is why my daughter and I ended up in low income housing in Corvallis and that is why I watered down the prostitute's client that early morning and reminded him not to come back. I think it is the only violent thing I have ever done in my life and I did report it to Corvallis Police Chief Gary Boldizsar.
I will tell you about the felon that killed our beautiful Maine Coon cat and about the Registered Sex Offender that sodomized a young girl, spent time in the penitentiary and then spent a year next door, HUD funded by James Hackett, later. I will also tell you about the man that greased down his body and masturbated in front of his young daughter and beat his older daughter and I could hear her screaming.
I just found out today that Judge Ann Aiken, Chief Judge for the District Court in Oregon, gave the motion that I asked that she judge (concerning the recusal of Judge Hogan) over to Judge Hogan so he could decide if he was prejudice, bias, and ethically unfit to judge my case himself.
I will tell you why I came to believe that Judge Michael R. Hogan is prejudice, biased, and ethically unfit to judge my case next.
Blog #1 - "My Quest for Justice in America and what I found instead" (4-12-2010)
Blog #2 - "My Heroes" (5-7-2010)
Blog #3 - "James Hackett using the Linn Benton Housing Authority to make money off the
backs of the Poor" (5-11-2010)
Blog #4 - "Criminals illegally HUD funded at Pickford/Leonard" (5-18-2010)
Blog #5 - "Judge Michael R. Hogan's intentional Obstruction of Justice" (5-25-2010)

My quest for Justice in America and what I found instead
This is a tale of my quest for Justice in our beautiful country and what I found instead. I hope to find a way to either link you to the case I have in the United States District Court in Oregon or else share the court submissions in this blog.
For those of you that find yourself curious and have a Pacer Account with the federal court systems computer posts of all court submissions you may look my case up under:
Maria Caterina Rosenfeld v James Hackett and the Linn-Benton Housing Authority.
I filed the case because the executive director of that housing authority HUD funded nine dangerous felons in my housing around seventeen young children and the children suffered deeply.
KATU television did a news report on the corruption of the Linn Benton Housing Authority and it can be googled with: Some claim housing authority subsidized felons.
Blog #1 - "My Quest for Justice in America and what I found instead" (4-12-2010)
Blog #2 - "My Heroes" (5-7-2010)
Blog #3 - "James Hackett using the Linn Benton Housing Authority to make money off the
backs of the Poor" (5-11-2010)
Blog #4 - "Criminals illegally HUD funded at Pickford/Leonard" (5-18-2010)
Blog #5 - "Judge Michael R. Hogan's intentional Obstruction of Justice" (5-25-2010)
My Quest for Justice in America and what I found instead: The Darkness Upstairs
We grouped together and watched from the yard between our houses. We were silent and I could feel the shared anticipation of the departure of the predator who had dwelt upstairs since last Christmas. Slowly the children had come from behind the locked doors of the houses arranged in a circle around the abandoned wooden play structure. Out into the soft September sunshine we emerged together. Everyone knew that Judge Gardner's order stated that he was to leave that day. No one planned that we would watch him go and yet all of us came out. There had been seventeen children a year ago. Over the past nine months as many as were financially able had escaped from Pickford/Leonard. Now those of us who had been left behind came out together to watch. I remember thinking there was safety in our numbers.
We watched and at exactly 5pm he opened the door of my house, walked down the front porch steps and took up his burden. We were all part of some kind of sad and necessary ceremony after all of these months as his captives.
He had been taking objects down the stairs from one of the two apartments above mine from dusk until dawn since Judge Robert S. Gardner had signed the protective stalking order five days before.
"Respondent shall leave the house at 2603 SW Leonard, Corvallis, Oregon, by 5pm on September 17, 2000 and not return."
He balanced the weight of the trailer against his strength and slowly broke the inertia of the load and slowly, slowly began his journey down Leonard Street and out of our children's lives.
The children and parents nervously spoke together, quietly at first, and then the voices rose in relief and soon we danced, all of us danced, all of us children of the sunshine and of the joy of being. We were out of our homes, and we laughed in the sunshine of our own backyards once more. Judge Gardner had ignored the unspoken rules of Corvallis. He had listened to the voices of the mothers of the children at Pickford/Leonard and secured our freedom for a little while and we were happy.
Darkness was thick on the December morning when the predator began his move into my house. Of course I didn't know he was a predator; we had been told by the non-profit that owned these houses, Corvallis Neighborhood Housing Services (now Willamette Neighborhood Housing Services), that we could not have a criminal history and live at Pickford/Leonard. I had been told it would be a wonderful place for my child. She was nine. They didn't tell me that the stomping up and down the stairs was a pedophile with 66 arraignments in Benton County before he was placed in my house as a favor to Benton County Mental Health and as a guarantee to our new property manager, James Hackett of the Linn Benton Housing Authority, that one more of the old units would be paid for every month by a HUD housing voucher. Later I learned that no one else would rent to him because he terrified the elderly and stalked the children everywhere he went. Much later, I learned from a Corvallis police officer that the protective stalking order we struggled so hard to get would not save us from him,
"He has the profile of a psychopathic serial killer," he had warned me.
Those were the same words that my new friend, Mike Rogers with the FBI, used after he had Quantico do research on our resident pedophile. Finally, the head of Mental Health for the State of Oregon, Barry Kast told me to be careful,
"He is a very dangerous man!"
I had no way of knowing this when the darkness began invading my peaceful, gentle world. Over and over again I heard the footsteps almost running up and down and I figured a new tenant had been found to fill the unit vacated by the college student with the fast red sports car.
I peeked from my bedroom window and my body froze when I first saw the face above the box of some sort of tools. He turned abruptly with his sixth sense to see who looking at him and I felt an all encompassing chill; a warning from the heavens above.
By the end of that day, refrigerators, car engines, washing machines, pipes, concrete bricks, beer bottles, box after box of strange machine parts in every size and configuration and over twenty computers had reached the apartment upstairs. By the end of the week I had heard the footsteps throughout every night and my bedroom ceiling began to crack. The front and side lawns were covered with overflow appliances, and car parts and dirty blue tarps covering hundreds of empty beer cans.
The smell in the house had changed and spiders and bugs began to creep into my apartment.
Finally, he was done moving in and he rode off on his black bicycle as darkness fell. He had made his transition into our sweet family neighborhood.
About one in the morning the pipes began to vibrate in our old house and I jumped from my sleep as the sound reached the velocity of a jack hammer. I went into the front hall and looked up into Tricia's wondering face. She lived in the other upstairs apartment and I said,"Its not me."
"Its not me," she responded.
She fetched a flashlight and I took my wrenches to turn off the new tenant's water supply at the street after we made sure he wasn't home.
The darkness lifted and he returned. I went into the front hall and introduced myself and explained why I had turned off his water in the night. He turned his body toward his door frame rubbing himself up and down again and again and his face melted into rippling liquid lines as he began uncontrollable laughter, first softly and then rising until it reached a pitch that almost matched the pipes from the night before. Trish and I disappeared into our newly formed prison cells behind locked doors. Our long journey at the mercy of the man upstairs had begun. Our children were no longer allowed outside. Much later we leaned that the true darkness came from a source much more perverse.
The warm summer sunshine filled the outside and I hurried to finish the hazelnut gateau I had promised a customer. I had worked on this recipe for over twenty years and I was happy with the way it made people feel. I hadn't given myself enough time to create all of the layers at a gentle pace so I had chocolate and coffee flavored whipped cream on my hands when a firm unfamiliar knock sounded on the kitchen door. I walked out into the light and met Joe Boyer for the first time in person.
"Ms. Rosenfeld?" he asked with great courtesy.
I looked at the beautifully made suits that fit the two gentlemen so perfectly and at their shoes gleaming in the hot sun and answered, "Yes."
Joe Boyer introduced his partner and himself and said that they had driven to Corvallis from the Eugene office of the FBI to question the man upstairs about his use of our phones. Until now, I had only spoken with Agent Boyer on the phone.
"I felt that I had to tell you something." he said. "When someone starts knifing your car it is a classic sign that they want to be knifing you. I thought you should know that. I've been worrying about you."
In our phone conversation of several days back, I had told Agent Boyer that I was finding knife marks on my car. I told him that my daughter had found her blow-up swimming pool stabbed and Shawna's children's pool had been slashed. Shawna lost her car, too. The oil plug was removed in the night after she testified to Judge Gardner that the man upstairs took digital photos of her young children undressing through cracks in the curtains at night. All of us had suffered this fear and humiliation.
I had told Agent Boyer that my neighbor, Jim, had his tires slashed after testifying in court that he had witnessed the man upstairs tapping the neighborhood phones on the corner Qwest post.
Jim told me later that the man upstairs had three very large knives arranged in a row on his kitchen counter. When Jim asked the man what he used those for, he was told that they were used to kill deer.
I remembered that one of the man's felonies was for poaching deer with a knife. I had written to the Oregon State Police for that information. How could one kill a deer with a knife I had wondered? You would have to use stealth and sneak up on the deer sleeping in the night. How awful to be part of this horrible death. He must like having blood on his hands, to feel the struggle and the control. Maybe he was simply starving I had reasoned, yet I couldn't get the knives out of my mind and now he was slashing things in the night outside and unlocking my door with his locksmith tools on some nights and leaving it open just a crack so I would wonder how it got that way in the morning. I wondered if he would come in the next time. I no longer slept.
Initially the man upstairs had asked Jim if he could tap his phone so he could have Internet use and Jim had agreed. Night after night he went back to the Qwest phone post, Jim had explained. Jim actually lifted a square metal lid off of the post to expose all of the neighborhood phone wires so I could see for myself. I was grateful to Jim. I had been under the house so many times trying to understand how he was accessing my phone. The phone company could not find a physical tap under there and told us that they were not the "phone police". I couldn't find a physical tap either. Here, finally, was an explanation.
All of us had heard him on our phones. We heard recordings of our own children laughing when we tried to use our phones. and then came the calls when he was bold enough to laugh his demonic laugh, usually softly, and usually when one of us had already hung up so only one of us heard it. We all ended up hearing it eventually.
Soon our phone service was disconnected for fifteen minutes at time unless he was really mad. When he was really mad the surges of electricity he used to disconnect the phones must have been greater. The circuit for just my phone was permanently burned out in the building next to the Court House downtown and Tricia's phone burned up on the inside. When Qwest's phone technician came to troubleshoot for Tricia, the man upstairs chased the technician to her truck and she was terrified. I remember she phoned James Hackett and told him that it was very frightening and that he should take the mothers at Pickford/Leonard seriously.
I asked Mr. Hackett for a transcription of that voice mail and he sent it to me. That’s all he did, though.
"I talked to my boss in Portland and we can't do anything about his phone activity." Agent Boyer continued. "It costs us a great deal of money to investigate and prosecute someone and since he is mentally ill, he would only go into a mental institution for six months and it is not worth the tax payers' money."
"Thank you Agent Boyer," I replied
The segmented story above was written for a summer college class. We were supposed to write about a time in our life that strongly affected us and break it into segments and scramble it up a bit. I used it as therapy to help heal the horror I experienced when James Hackett and Jim Moorefield placed and HUD funded nine felons around my daughter and me and sixteen other young children. My story was about the first man. The mothers at Pickford/Leonard wrote letters to Mr. Hackett and I reported everything that happened to him and to Jim Moorefield and Barbara Dahlman. I learned later in a federal Final Investigative Report that contained testimony from other people that worked at the Linn Benton Housing Authority at the time that when I called asking for help James Hackett would get off of the phone and laugh to his co-workers.
After the protective order that Judge Gardner granted us evicted the man upstairs, he violated it over and over again. We would hear small taps on our window at 2 in the morning. He wore a police scanner so he always knew when the police were on their way.
Oregon is currently sending money that is co-mingled with federal money to Benton County and that money is used to fund housing for registered sex offenders, including extremely dangerous predatory sex offenders, right in the middle of family neighborhoods around hundreds of children in violation of federal laws that make it illegal to use any federal money to house these individuals. This is money laundering. This is destroying the lives of children in the neighborhoods where this is done. These children are living in fear. They think about this before they go to sleep at night.
The terror that families experience when this is done leaves scars for life.
This is happening on Ramona Lane in Corvallis right now where three registered sex offenders, including a predatory sex offender who is extremely dangerous, have been placed in a "group home". There are about fifty homes in a two mile radius of the house where the three registered sex offenders live.
The contracts for this funding are on file in the Benton County Counsel's office. The Benton County Commissioners are Annabelle Jaramillo, Jay Dixon and Linda Modrell. The contracts are for hundreds of thousands of dollars to Renew Consulting that is housing the sex offenders near the children on Ramona Lane.
My Quest for Justice in America and what I found instead: Corporate"Money Crimes" against Humanity.
It is reported that we have a 9.2 percent unemployment rate. The actual level is over 20%. For inner city Blacks this rate is as high as 50%. We are in crisis and falling fast.
In the 1940's individuals paid $1.00 in tax for every $1.50 paid by corporations. Today for every dollar paid by individuals to the government, corporations pay 25 cents.
When I was a child in the fifties and sixties, I do not remember ever seeing or hearing of a homeless person. Every road trip that my family made was over beautiful roads. No one ever complained that the schools needed money and everyone had food to eat. Everyone I knew owned their home.
For the past forty years, taxes have shifted from corporations to the middle class and the poor in America.
The argument that corporations in America use today to guard their massive profits is that if we simply give the banks and the corporations more money they will create jobs for the poor and middle class. How stupid are we? How many wealthy people do you know that give their money away?
This is a fallacious argument used to bamboozle our ignorant and naive citizenry.
This so called "trickle down" idea was built into the tax system in the 40's and 50's. For every dollar made over $100,000. 91 cents was paid to the federal government in tax. This was because we needed to rebuild our country after the Great Depression and WWII.
That period in our history holds a perfect blue print for our recovery today. It is the only way that we can pull ourselves out of the free fall that is gaining momentum in America.
We are in a very similar situation financially today as we were after the Great Depression and WWII and the highest tax rate for the wealthy is 35 percent. This just will not work. The idea of thinking it is okay to take away from the poorest of the poor and the middle class so that the rich can avoid tax is morally disgusting. Everyone needs to protest actively. It is alarming that this has been allowed to evolve and it needs to be stopped immediately.
The House Leadership and the corporations of America should be so deeply ashamed of themselves for the "money crimes" they are committing against America and our democracy. Everyone else should ostracize them as island cultures do when someone commits a serious crime or indiscretion against their society.
I strongly encourage every state that has a Congress person in office now who is undermining our country in this way to begin grass roots efforts to recall these individuals that are pulling the rug out from under our budget and destroying our country and her freedoms. Begin researching every company and only buy from those who give back to society; small markets and stores who you learn you can trust. We must work together now to take back our country.
Safe guards must be built into our tax structure so that if we can save our country from corporate greed we do not reach a point again were this form of financial crime is allowed.
If you need inspiration, take a look at Timberline Lodge on Mt. Hood in Oregon and read about Roosevelt and his effort and courage to bolster the spirits of the needy in the 1930's when American's suffered as they do now. Roosevelt created 11 million jobs between 1934 and 1941.
Research every candidate and their voting records and only vote for individuals with moral courage, brilliance and heart.